Spooky October Painting Competition

Spooky October Painting Competition
October 26th at 11:00. We'll have all entries set up as a display for people to vote on throughout the day. Votes will be tallied up at 8PM during paint night. Please pick up your minis before close at 9PM. 
We have Paint Nights going on Saturday afternoons/evenings depending on the schedule, so feel free to come down and spend some time spookifying your minis and socializing with other painters!
50mm Base or less, one model, must be spooky! Miniature must be bought in store, so we can record which mini you're painting and to give everyone a fair start. It doesn't matter if it's Warhammer, D&D, Bolt Action or whichever IP. 
1st Place - An Orktacular Light Box that you can display in your painting corner as proof of your victory as well as a Warhammer Age of Sigmar Skaventide Box!
2nd Place - Warcry Pyregheists
3rd Place - Eversor Assassin